believe in the process


Building Equitable Organizations


Equity at BLVE

Led by Director of Equity Program, Sarah Illiatovitch-Goldman, we feel our work in equity, matched with our process based planning work, provides a foundation for building a strong and effective strategic framework for a strategic planning process that values the input of all who lead, support, and engage with the foundation.

T.R.U.E. - Trauma, Resilience + Understanding Equity

Trauma, Resilience and Understanding Equity (TRUE) is an education and implementation model that builds an inclusive organization using a hybrid of trauma informed practices and DEI methodologies in long lasting meaningful ways. Most DEI workshops only scratch the surface and don’t create a culture that is sustainable for a mission driven organization. TRUE creates actionable accountability in individuals and collectives, and centers human needs. By prioritizing human needs we are able to reduce harm in the workplace and increase well being while honoring boundaries. TRUE allows all positions within a workplace to create community, increase communication and problem solve.

Find out more about T.R.U.E.


Pay Equity Assessment and Audit

Pay Equity is an intentional evaluation and refocusing of organizational policies to center diversity, equity, and accessibility. Through shifting operational practices and communications protocol, Pay Equity builds a safer and more equitable working environment while removing economic barriers of entry and improving group collaboration.

Recent Pay Equity clients:

Find out more about Pay Equity